Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What is the treatment for the corona virus disease?

Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.

Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people. Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans.
Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.

Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.

What is a coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

What is a novel coronavirus?

A novel coronavirus (CoV) is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.

Can humans become infected with a novel coronavirus of animal source?

Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans in China in 2002 and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans. As surveillance improves around the world, more coronaviruses are likely to be identified.

What are the symptoms of someone infected with a coronavirus?

It depends on the virus, but common signs include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.

Can coronaviruses be transmitted from person to person?

Yes, some coronaviruses can be transmitted from person to person, usually after close contact with an infected patient, for example, in a household workplace, or health care centre.

Is there a vaccine for a novel coronavirus?

When a disease is new, there is no vaccine until one is developed. It can take a number of years for a new vaccine to be developed.

Is there a treatment for a novel coronavirus?

There is no specific treatment for disease caused by a novel coronavirus. However, many of the symptoms can be treated and therefore treatment based on the patient’s clinical condition. Moreover, supportive care for infected persons can be highly effective.

What can I do to protect myself?

Standard recommendations to reduce exposure to and transmission of a range of illnesses include maintaining basic hand and respiratory hygiene, and safe food practices  and avoiding close contact, when possible, with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.

Are health workers at risk from a novel coronavirus?

Yes, they can be, as health care workers come into contact with patients more often than the general public WHO recommends that health care workers consistently apply appropriate

What WHO recommendations for countries?

WHO encourages all countries to enhance their surveillance for severe acute respiratory infections (SARI), to carefully review any unusual patterns of SARI or pneumonia cases and to notify WHO of any suspected or confirmed case of infection with novel coronavirus.
Countries are encouraged to continue strengthening their preparedness for health emergencies in line with the International Health Regulations (2005).

Is Sleeping Naked Is Healthier ...?

What if I told you in just 10 seconds a day, you can sleep better, make more oney, reduce stress, and lose weight? Sleeping naked can do all these things and more. All you have to do is take off your clothes. While there are countless strategies floating around out there to help you improve in these areas, none is as simple—and many are less effective—as stripping down before you go to sleep.

Since only 8% of people sleep naked, most everyone can discover the benefits of sleeping in the buff. This may sound far-fetched, but hear me out before you throw those cozy flannel pajamas on.

Reasons Sleeping Naked Makes You Healthier And Wealthier

1. You Sleep Better Naked
We've always known that quality sleep is good for your brain, but recent research from the University of Rochester demonstrates exactly how so. The study found that when you sleep your brain removes toxic proteins from its neurons that are by-products of neural activity when you're awake. The catch here is that your brain can only adequately remove these toxic proteins when you have sufficient quality sleep. When you don’t get high-quality, deep sleep, the toxic proteins remain in your brain cells, wreaking havoc and ultimately impairing your ability to think. This slows your ability to process information and problem solve, kills your creativity, and increases your emotional reactivity.
Researchers at the University of Amsterdam found that lowering your skin temperature increases the depth of your sleep and reduces the number of times you wake up in the night. Stripping down to your birthday suit is a great way to lower your skin temperature without changing the temperature of the room.
2. Sleeping Naked Reduces Stress
We all know that prolonged stress is bad news. It suppresses your immune system and increases your risk of heart disease, depression, and obesity in addition to decreasing your cognitive performance. Stress throws your cortisol levels out of whack. Proper rest helps to restore normal cortisol levels, which improves your stress level regardless of what’s happening around you. As described in the section above, sleeping naked will help you to get a better night’s sleep.
3. Sleeping Naked Is Healthier
Sleeping naked has a slew of health benefits, including helping you to lose weight. A study conducted by the U.S. National Institutes of Health found that keeping yourself cool while you sleep speeds the body’s metabolism because your body creates more brown fat to keep you warm. Brown fat produces heat by burning calories (300 times more heat than any organ in the body), and this boosts your metabolism all day long to help you lose weight. In addition to the metabolic effects of sleeping in the buff, removing your clothes improves blood circulation, which is good for your heart and muscles. The quality sleep you’ll enjoy also increases the release of growth hormone and melatonin, both of which have anti-aging benefits.
4. Sleeping Naked Builds Confidence
Confidence doesn’t just feel good; it’s the pillar of success. It pushes you to try new things, take on challenges, and persevere in the face of adversity. A University of Melbourne study found that confident people earn higher wages and get promoted more often than their less confident counterparts. Sleeping naked makes you more comfortable in your own skin. As your comfort with your body increases, so does your self-esteem and confidence.

Benefits of Sleeping Naked

Sleeping naked might not be the first thing you think about when it comes to improving your health, but there are some benefits that might be too good to ignore. Since sleeping naked is pretty easy to try yourself, it might be time to strip down and get your snooze on. For your health, that is.
As it turns out, there are many benefits of sleeping naked. You may have heard of some of these, but others might surprise you.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, your body temperature is one key to how you fall asleep. It’s actually part of your circadian rhythm, the biological rhythm that acts as your body’s “clock” for sleep.
Cooling down tells your body that it’s time to sleep, so sleeping naked — and allowing your body temperature to go down — can actually help you fall asleep faster.

Not only does cooling your body help you fall asleep faster, it also improves your overall sleep quality. Experts suggest that the ideal temperature for your bedroom is somewhere between 60 and 67°F (15 to 19°C).

If it’s too cold or too hot, you risk impacting your rapid eye movement sleep, which is the dream stage of sleep that helps refresh your brain and body. Sleeping naked is one way to stay cool beneath the covers.

Because sleeping naked can help increase your overall sleep quality, it can also improve your skin. One small study looked at whether poor sleep limited the skin’s ability to heal from a small wound.
They split participants into three groups — one that received “adequate” sleep, one that was sleep deprived, and a third that was sleep deprived but received extra nutrients. What they found was that the group that slept well recovered faster than the other two groups. And the extra nutrition? It didn’t make a significant difference in how fast the wounds healed.
This shows that getting enough sleep could help your skin to recover and stay healthy, and if sleeping naked helps that happen, even better.

Another reason sleeping naked might be a good change is that it could help reduce your overall stress and anxiety. It’s no secret that poor sleep has a major impact on your stress levels. Studies suggest that poor sleep is linked to depression and even increased suicide risk.
While stress and anxiety can both cause insomnia, it’s important to remember that improving your sleep quality — and getting enough sleep — may help.
If you’re having problems falling asleep, it could be wreaking havoc on your life in many ways. One study followed over 21,000 people for three years and found a possible link between inadequate sleep and weight gain. Individuals who reportedly slept equal to or less than 5 hours per night were more likely to gain weight.
Another way sleeping naked could help keep you trim? Keeping your body colder at night may help boost your calorie-burning abilities. A small study following five men discovered that exposure to cooler temperatures, around 66°F (19°C), helped their bodies increase brown fat activity.

If you aren’t getting enough sleep at night, you could be at risk for diabetes or heart disease. A 2010 study 

 looked at data from 1,455 people over six years and found an association between lower sleep duration and increased risk of diabetes, which in turn can raise your risk for heart disease.

By sleeping naked, you may increase your ability to fall asleep faster and stay asleep, which could make all the difference when it comes to your health.

Sleeping naked is also a great way to increase vaginal health and avoid yeast infections. Tight-fitting or sweaty underwear can increase your risk of a vaginal yeast infection since yeast likes to grow in warm, moist places.
Regardless of what you wear during the day, sleeping naked is an easy way to air out your vagina and keep it healthy.

Women aren’t the only ones who can benefit from sleeping naked. A recent study of 656 males suggested a link between wearing tight-fitting underwear and lower sperm count. Men who reported wearing boxers had a higher sperm concentration and total sperm count than those who wore tight underwear.
Sleeping naked is a great way to keep testicles cool and at an optimal temperature for sperm health.

Sleeping naked is also a great way to get in touch with your body and boost your self-esteem. 
One study found that spending time naked helped boost self-esteem and overall body image, which is definitely a win when it comes to embracing self-love.

While sex can be a great part of your relationship, sleeping naked with your partner can be just as wonderful. In fact, one study discovered that skin-to-skin contact between adults stimulates the release of oxytocin, which plays an important role in building attachment between partners.
Even better? Touching your partner is also great for your health — not just your relationship — and sleeping naked is a fantastic way to reap both benefits.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What is the meaning of " Lockdown "

This article is about the emergency measure. For the mass quarantine measure, see Stay-at-home order. For the practice of isolating prisoners, see Solitary confinement. For the activist tactic of attaching oneself to an object, see Lock-on (protest tactic).
lockdown is an emergency protocol that usually prevents people or information from leaving an area. The protocol can usually only be initiated by someone in a position of authority. Lockdowns can also be used to protect people inside a facility or, for example, a computing system, from a threat or other external event. Of buildings, a drill lockdown usually means that doors leading outside are locked such that no person may enter or exit. A full lockdown usually means that people must stay where they are and may not enter or exit a building or rooms within said building. If people are in a hallway, they should go to the nearest safe, enclosed room.
preventive lockdown is a preemptive action plan implemented to address an unusual scenario or a weakness in system to preempt any danger to ensure the safety and security of people, organisation and system. The focus for preventive actions is to avoid dangers and risks arising from the nonconformances to the normal circumstances, but also commonly includes improvements in efficiency.
Preventive lockdowns are preemptive lockdowns to mitigate risk. Most organisations plan for the emergency lockdowns but fail to plan for other situations which might quickly degrade to dangerous levels. These protocols must be based on the type of threat, and should be kept simple and short for quick learning and implementation, and flexible enough to handle several scenarios. This allows administrators more options to choose from which are easier to use in various scenarios. 
For example, in case of a loud scene by a parent or an unarmed petty thief being chased by the police through the school playground, this flexible procedure allows school administrators the flexibility to implement a more limited lockdown while teaching in school continues, this eliminating need for complete emergency lockdown, disruption and delays in resumption of teaching, etc. The consequences of not having procedures to implement such lockdowns is that the situation might quickly escalate where there could be loss of human lives.
Emergency lockdowns are implemented when there is imminent threat to the lives or risk of injury to humans, for example, a school's emergency lockdown procedures must be kept short and simple to make them easier to use under real life crisis conditions. Simple procedures can be easily taught with periodic lockdown drills instead of lengthy training.
most organizations to function normally, or limit movements or activities such that only organizations supplying basic needs and services can function normally.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

How To Flip

The Aerial flip is just like a cartwheel or round off but twice as cool because your doing a cartwheel but with NO HANDS!  You'll see this flip thrown a lot in kick@$$ martial arts films. I know when you see it in ninja movies you think the same thing I do, "That was BAD-A! I gotta learn that!" And then imagine throwing that sick flip anywhere and everywhere...going to class ...aerial....while out with some friends.. yea might as well throw an aerial here too....Some Hott babes walk by...you know you're throwing one! So if you're ready to take your cartwheel to the next level and become a ninja rockstar! Let's get started...

Step 1:Run up with a nice pace to build up momentum

Step 2:Plant your left foot down, really stomp it down and block to get more height when you jump.

Step 3: Jump with your left leg as you swing your right leg , both arms , and upper body UP to get maximum height.

Step 4: Really drive that right heel up and once your body is inverted drive it down.

Step 5:Land with the right foot
Key Points:

1. You will likely aerial the same way you cartwheel or round off. (so you will go the same direction and jump and land on the same feet as you cartwheel)

2. Flexibility will help with this flip. Especially theses stretches : Splits and pike stretch

Super FAST Progression Steps

*Note I put progression steps for 2 styles of aerial, the ninja style and regular straight style. Pick which ever one is more comfortable for you.

Style 1: Ninja Aerial

1. Learn your cartwheel

2. Do a one-handed cartwheel or b-kick

3. Do a B-kick

4. Invert the B-kick more - so it becomes a martial arts aerial.

Style 2: Regular Aerial

1. Perform a round off

2.Run and attempt the aerial form, place your hands down for support.

3. Perform a nice straight aerial, without hands.

Congratulations you are now a NINJA Rockstar! Go out and show the world!

For many of us, especially when we are new to the parkour scene. We see parkour, freerunning, and flips off things as the same thing. You jump across buildings and flip off of stuff. Well, technically parkour is all about efficiency and freerunning has more style and has flips and other "non-efficient movement. Personally I just see these two things as names. I just enjoy the movement.

So I'm going to call it all parkour so I don't have to throw out specific names and complicate things. So you've seen parkour on T.V., online, and in the movies and you want to learn how to flip. You've seen the massive diving front flips, the huge backflips off buildings and walls, and crazy ground flips that look awesome. Now you want to learn how to do it! But you don't know where to start?

Well later in this article I'm going to give you the exact steps on how to start learning flips and become a top tier free runner. When you train with the right techniques and system you can learn these incredible flips quickly and get them comfortable. So comfortable, flipping off walls and doing backflips is as easy as jogging for you. And you don't have to be an elite gymnast or martial arts expert, I sure was'nt. I just played regular sports as a kid.

I would see guys on t.v. flipping around and off walls. I thought,"Man! Those guys are awesome!! I want to learn how to flip!" But I would go outside and not know where to start. I'd be too afraid to go for the flips and end up giving up on it. I thought flips maybe just were'nt for me. So how do you start? How do you learn how to flip? And how do you learn how to flip with your parkour?

Well I'm going to give you the exact steps that I discovered getting my parkour and flips down.

1. Train your body to become an athlete.

Do workouts and body conditioning to make your muscles strong, springy, and efficient. One thing that will allow you to learn how to flip very fast is becoming an athlete and having control over your body.

You know those guys who learn how to flip in one day or just a few weeks? It's because they have base strength and coordination. They have great control of their bodies, very agile, they've developed their standing jump, and core strength.

So for guys like us, who might not have developed that base coordination and strength. Flips can be frustrating and seem to take FOREVER to learn.

And most of us just keep on working on the flip instead of implementing specific exercises to stengthen our core, jump, and body coordination.

While learning how to flip or before you start flipping work on developing that base muscle strength and coordintaion.

Perform agility drills - run in and out of cones and suicides.

Perform jumping drills - do workouts that involve just jumping.

Develop your core - Do exercises like planks and hanging knee raises.

2. As you begin to develop your muscles and body, train the basic parkour movements.

This will help develop additional muscle coordination and get your body and mind comfortable moving through the urban environment filled with rails, ledges, walls, and concrete. Work specifically wall runs, the parkour roll, and jumps from ledges.

3. Beigin to learn your basic flips on ground in a comfortable setting.

Gradually develop your backflip, front flip, side flip, gainer, and etc.

Train your flips in a comfortable setting, soft grass, your back yard, gym, a sand pit, trampoline, whatever place you feel comfortable.

Then gradually develop your flip while staying close to your comfort zone.

So start off with a back roll, front roll, and build into other flips (handsprings and cartwheels) and continue the process.

4. Then start integrating your basic flips with your parkour movements.

How to parkour -how to flipGradually start to backflip off a wall. You will incorporate the wall runs and backflips you have trained earlier making the wall backflip more comfortable and less scary to develop.

Then use the same gradual process we discussed with the basic flips. Try to stay close to your comfort zone.

Use this system and you will progress rapidly with your parkour and flips.